Thursday, January 1, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Happy 2009! What a way to start the New Year off with a thankful heart. I'll list some things I'm thankful for, then you can comment and do the same.

*For my family and friends

*For every good day Andrew has - several lately

*For reconnecting with old friends on Facebook

*For my husband stopping to buy me a candle last night after work 'just because'...and it's not like he passes any stores on his way home. :)

*For the traditional New Year's fondue at the outlaws...YUM!

*For the memories we've made over the last couple of weeks...there's been a lot less worry and a lot more laughter.

*That it's 10 am and Court is already off work for the day

Anyone else??


Unknown said...

I am thankful for...

*the laughter of friends
*family that so desires to be involved in my kids lives
*that VU gave us the extra day off work (tomorrow)
*jim's mad cooking abilities
*beautiful children, with beautiful spirits
*that bubble game on your blog

Lauren said...

I am thankful for...

my babies being home two whole weeks.

the grace of God.

lunches at Mi Pueblo with my favorite friends.

the Turtles.