Monday, August 10, 2009

The note and an update

I was on the phone briefly tonight and I see Andrew writing me a note. It said, "I dropped my flush bag in the toilet. What do I do?" Needless to say, I had to hang up. He had to get the bag out, which filled up with toilet water while it sat in there. Yuck! We have a huge box of 300 of the bags he fills up for his flush. The problem is, due to his mickey button, he has a special attachment for his stomach. We only get these one at a time in our monthly Clarian delivery. We opened up the only one we have, so hopefully nothing will happen to this one. Never a dull moment around here, I tell ya.....

Today was our last day of "freedom" since school starts tomorrow. But, due to our electrical issues from the weekend, we had an electrician lined up to come today. He called last night and changed the time to 7 am! The good news is it was a bad breaker and an easy fix. And it also gave us our afternoon back to do something fun before school starts up again.

Wow, I cannot believe school is already starting!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I know that situation is rather unfortunate but I had to laugh that he wrote you a note! I used to do that to my mom when she was on the phone too...